What We Do

We perform a market comparison and code-level analysis of your practice’s fees to assess your position and set the foundation for your fee schedule strategy.

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Review practice fee schedule to assess current Usual & Customary Rates

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Compare current fees to market benchmarks

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Detail utilization and revenue for top procedure codes

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Identify and implement changes to achieve target fee percentile

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement



Book a 15 minute meeting with us to discuss our services or send an email to wgramley@bestfordentistry.com to ask a question. 

Who We Serve

Our process is designed to work with all types of practices, ranging from established to emerging.

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Established Practices

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Start-Up Practices

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Fee for Service Practices

Fee Schedule Analysis And Improvement

Group Practices & Emerging DSO’s


Client Feedback & Reviews

Just wanted to say thanks for putting BEST for Dentistry together. I had two dealers give me a quote on a couple of pieces of small equipment and I then found it with BEST for Dentistry. Saved me almost a thousand dollars on these two pieces of equipment. Great ROI.

Dr. Johnny Miller, DMD
Dr. Johnny Miller, DMD

BEST is a great eye-opener on the future of dentistry. As a young dentist, I had no idea the trends in corporate dentistry and how much of a disadvantage it puts the private practice owner at! I recommend BEST to every independent dentist.

Dr. Jeremy Sewell, DMD
Dr. Jeremy Sewell, DMD

It’s a total no brainer! Combine buying power of small, private practices so we can level the playing field and compete against larger, corporate dentistry offices. We’ve only been a member for a short time but are already seeing massive savings. Thanks guys for this great program!!

Joanne McNeill, FAADOM
Joanne McNeill, FAADOM