By Michelle Strange, MSDH, RDH | Having many patients visit your office means business is doing well. While this is great for cash flow, you are likely experiencing work overload with insufficient time to properly wash, disinfect and sterilize all your instruments. Without adequate equipment and instruments in place, heavy traffic can result in an increased risk of infection and safety issues such as overloading the autoclave, in addition to office frustration and backlog of patients. Typically, dental clinics do not have enough instruments to get through an entire day of seeing patients. Which means on busy days, the clinical ...
Writing great review responses has the potential to help both your reputation and your Google ranking. Here’s how: Reputation: Consider every review a conversation starter from your customer. Responding in a friendly, concise way ends your interaction on a high note and reflects your gratitude towards customers. When a new prospect discovers your business online, your positive interactions will give them the confidence to do business with you. Rankings: Your search engine optimization (SEO) gets a boost when you make it a habit to respond to reviews. Google says that since replying to reviews shows consideration for customer feedback, it can help bump up your ...
While many Americans know how essential dental care is to their overall health, nearly 40 million avoid the dentist. One way dentists and dental practices can help their patients overcome their fears and concerns is by providing high quality patient care. Quality patient care is about two things: ensuring patients receive the service they want and the treatment they need. That means having all of the tools and resources you need at your disposal, including ePrescribing software. What is ePrescribing Software? Gone are the days of messy handwriting, lost or damaged prescriptions, pharmacy callbacks to clarify prescription issues, or other handwritten prescription errors. ...
By Zirc | Optimize your clinical workflow! Your team members are the heart and soul of your organization, and right now many of them are pulling double the workload because of the tight labor market. Some of them may even feel like they are just barely surviving and overwhelmed with the scope of day-to-day processes. Providing dentistry comes with a lot of responsibility. Not only do you care for the oral health of your patients, but you also juggle the intricacies of operating a successful practice. Zirc understands that for your organization to grow and thrive you need a scalable ...